Contents tagged with Troubleshooting
Uninstall .Net Framework 4.6 to Install SharePoint 2013
We’ve got a nice little AWS CloudFormation template that builds out a SharePoint 2013 Enterprise farm, configures everything nicely, then deploys a custom code solution right over the top of that. We’ … more
SharePoint Online PowerShell Connect-SPOService Error
I've had a lot of trouble recently with connecting my PC to my SharePoint Online tenants via PowerShell. The process is fairly simple and this article is the best starting point: http:// … more
SkyDrive (OneDrive) Pro: “We can’t connect to the specified SharePoint site…”
The Problem
I have a personal Microsoft account and an organizational Microsoft account for work. I log into my work machine with my personal account and Office 365 with my organizational … more
SharePoint 2010 - Session "WSSUSAGESESSION14" failed to start with the following error: 0xC0000022 AND Session "WSSTRACESESSION14" failed to start with the following error: 0xC0000022
I recently added an application server to a SharePoint 2010 farm and was receiving these two errors every minute.
Session "WSSUSAGESESSION14" failed to start with the following error: 0xC0000 … more
Copy SharePoint List Items and Include Version History
This takes me back. Myself and a colleague of mine, Marc Gusmano, were tasked with allowing a client to copy data from one SharePoint list to another and include the version history of each … more
Uploading Images to SharePoint, Could Not Find This Item, DavWWWRoot, Verify the Item’s Location and Try Again
Well, I guess it’s no surprise if you find the title of this blog post a bit confusing. It’s just made up of the relevant keywords that I’d expect folks to search for if … more
Central Administration Application Pool Keeps Stopping
Well, we’re off to a great start here at EKI. What I mean by that is that I have plenty to do that keeps me very busy. You may have noticed quite a few changes to this site, but I … more
What Happens to SharePoint When SQL Logs are Never Truncated?
This is one of those things that I recently learned the hard way. Boy, I sure love it when that happens! As I’ve said before, I’m no SQL guru. I know just enough to do … more
Connecting to MICROSOFT##SSEE
I’m working on a WSS 3.0 box and it’s completely out of disk space due to the database logs being full in the SharePoint_AdminContent database. For some reason, the … more
Debugging Timer Job Out of Order
The title of this post is supposed to represent what you might search for if you experience the same issue I just have. I understand that it’s hard to understand what this post is all … more