Contents tagged with OneDrive
SkyDrive (OneDrive) Pro: “We can’t connect to the specified SharePoint site…”
The Problem
I have a personal Microsoft account and an organizational Microsoft account for work. I log into my work machine with my personal account and Office 365 with my organizational … more
How SkyDrive Saved a Training Session
It’s true! SkyDrive prevented me from having to cancel a recent training session and in this post, I’ll explain how.
The hero of this story is Office Web Apps, which are … more
Edit Documents in SkyDrive (OneDrive) Without Logging In
Good news! As of February 8th, 2013, we can share documents for viewing and editing via SkyDrive and the viewers/editors no longer need to sign in with a Microsoft Account to view/edit. … more
Create a Universal Dictionary for Office with SkyDrive (OneDrive)
I work on a variety of computers at home and at work and it’s a pain to have to reconfigure the same applications over and over and over again. In this example, I’d like to show you how … more
Sharing Files with Students via SkyDrive (OneDrive)
Having been an instructor for the past few years, I've found that students who attend my classes often ask me to share some class materials with them. Now, while there are some things that I can't … more
Notes on the Go
I rarely use paper these days. While I do have a pad of paper and a pen available to me most of the time, and writing can be quite therapeutic, I'd usually rather type because it saves … more
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